Need help with filing a hair relaxer lawsuit? Here’s a guide


Chemical hair straightening products and hair relaxers help straighten curly hair, and millions of women around the world rely on these treatments to get desirable hair. Recent studies have revealed that these products could be linked to various health conditions, including cancers, especially after prolonged exposure. Lawsuits have been filed in numerous states in the US against manufacturers who failed to warn the public of the potential risks. If you have been a regular user of hair relaxers and have been diagnosed with uterine cancer or endometriosis, you need to consider legal ways to recover a settlement. Here is a guide that will come in handy for your hair relaxer lawsuit.

What’s the negative buzz around hair relaxers?

Chemical relaxers contain numerous ingredients, including endocrine-disrupting chemicals. These EDCs can impact the hormonal balance, and research shows that regular use significantly increases the risk of certain cancers, including ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, and breast cancer. Some studies have linked hair straightening products and hair relaxers to other conditions, such as uterine fibroids.

Do you have a valid hair relaxer lawsuit?

The answer depends on the facts of the case. One of the first lawsuits was filed by a 28-year-old woman who had been using these products for decades and was eventually diagnosed with uterine cancer. Please note that you have to be diagnosed with cancer to file a lawsuit. If you have had prolonged exposure and were subsequently diagnosed with endometriosis or uterine fibroids, you could take action.

Get an attorney

More law firms are now accepting these hair relaxer lawsuits, and you can schedule a consultation with an attorney to find more details. If you are worried about the immediate costs, remember that lawyers take product liability lawsuits on a contingency fee, which doesn’t involve a retainer fee. If and when you recover money from the defendant, your lawyer will take their share.

Other things to know

There are over 200 hair relaxer lawsuits pending in the US as of April 2023. All lawsuits are now a part of the MDL, and plaintiffs can file directly in the MDL instead of filing the case in their state. Law firms are taking all possible steps to recover a fair settlement for the victims, but since the matter involves considerably big firms, the process can take time.

Schedule your free consultation with an attorney today to find more details about proceeding with your claim.

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